Electricity is great, but our own energy is better! How many rooms did you light up today?
-- Posted From My iPhone
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
There is no God?
My friend who's lately getting high on atheism, showed me this video by George Carlin.
He makes some pretty bold statements - questioning the existence of God.
The one thing he seems to miss though, is that he's choosing a particularly Christian view of God. In my interactions with people, I find that God is very personal. To many God is not a person, but maybe just energy or karma. If god is totally unbiased, maybe God doesn't have to be a life form as we know.
Maybe our views would meet if he spoke some more about his views on the Sun.
Note: Video is only for the open minded: believers might be offended!
He makes some pretty bold statements - questioning the existence of God.
The one thing he seems to miss though, is that he's choosing a particularly Christian view of God. In my interactions with people, I find that God is very personal. To many God is not a person, but maybe just energy or karma. If god is totally unbiased, maybe God doesn't have to be a life form as we know.
Maybe our views would meet if he spoke some more about his views on the Sun.
Note: Video is only for the open minded: believers might be offended!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Trying to learn more about Wharton School of Business, I came across Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's speech to Wharton Grads. The demeanor and style of Sri Sri captivated me! His communication is bare of all the stylized talk we are used to. It is the beautiful message that he focuses on sharing.
Looking around some more, I came across a popular CNN journalist who spent a few days at his ashram and interviewed him (for the life of me, I don't know the journalist's name). This was another glimpse into the world of Art of Living followers. I can now better appreciate the followers of Art of Living.
Looking around some more, I came across a popular CNN journalist who spent a few days at his ashram and interviewed him (for the life of me, I don't know the journalist's name). This was another glimpse into the world of Art of Living followers. I can now better appreciate the followers of Art of Living.
Monday, August 17, 2009
continued: adios addictions
as I've been trying to improve on my hold on addictions, I find it is a perennial struggle. I keep trying to get one up on my mind's lethargy and addictive nature; but if i look away for a moment there is the addiction once again!
I find I often still find myself wandering aimlessly on the net (wilfing, if you will), and sleeping odd hours. so am going to try:
1. use technology only for when I need something out of it- not as a time filler
2. stay away from lethargy spots - ny room unfortunately is one of those. hello library!
3. exercise
4. when things get out of hand, try a little fasting ( I think I'm addicted to snacking too ;-)
let's see how this goes...
-- Post From My iPhone
I find I often still find myself wandering aimlessly on the net (wilfing, if you will), and sleeping odd hours. so am going to try:
1. use technology only for when I need something out of it- not as a time filler
2. stay away from lethargy spots - ny room unfortunately is one of those. hello library!
3. exercise
4. when things get out of hand, try a little fasting ( I think I'm addicted to snacking too ;-)
let's see how this goes...
-- Post From My iPhone
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mind's Search for Utopia
I wonder how my mind defines luxuries. I dream of a time when Mind would agree that we've 'made it' and can now focus on some meaningful goals. Like helping the sick, promoting world peace or changing the way we live for the better.
Let me explain.
Six years ago, in simpler times, my mind and I worked in an Indian outsourcing outfit.
We would celebrate a pay hike from $200 to $250 a month. And together dreamt of owning a car to keep the elements out. After all, we'd get drenched if it rains or scorched in the sun; a motorcycle just wasn't good enough.
Now, in somewhat more material times, my mind and I work in the USA.
We earn and save many times my entire Indian pay. And we own a car that is silent, efficient, spacious and can easily beat the speed limit.
But again mind lusts for higher wages. Also, Mind says that my neighbour's Audi TT is the car to have. The Honda Accord is junk.
So I try to explain: "Mind: a hundred years ago, owning a self-propelled vehicle was a luxury reserved for the ultra rich. There hasn't been enough evolution since then to justify the extra propulsion.
In fact, Mind, your demands would have been considered crazy a century ago."
But Mind remains undeterred. In fact, Mind continues to throw tantrums each time I drive to work.
Frustrated, I ask Mind: "Let's say I buy the Audi TT - will you finally sit back and let me do something productive?"
And ofcourse, Mind smiles a mysterious smile and says: "Get it in the driveway - and then i'll answer!"
And so I walk away - once again feeling Mind isn't really going to be satisfied anytime soon.
Let me explain.
Six years ago, in simpler times, my mind and I worked in an Indian outsourcing outfit.
We would celebrate a pay hike from $200 to $250 a month. And together dreamt of owning a car to keep the elements out. After all, we'd get drenched if it rains or scorched in the sun; a motorcycle just wasn't good enough.
Now, in somewhat more material times, my mind and I work in the USA.
We earn and save many times my entire Indian pay. And we own a car that is silent, efficient, spacious and can easily beat the speed limit.
But again mind lusts for higher wages. Also, Mind says that my neighbour's Audi TT is the car to have. The Honda Accord is junk.
So I try to explain: "Mind: a hundred years ago, owning a self-propelled vehicle was a luxury reserved for the ultra rich. There hasn't been enough evolution since then to justify the extra propulsion.
In fact, Mind, your demands would have been considered crazy a century ago."
But Mind remains undeterred. In fact, Mind continues to throw tantrums each time I drive to work.
Frustrated, I ask Mind: "Let's say I buy the Audi TT - will you finally sit back and let me do something productive?"
And ofcourse, Mind smiles a mysterious smile and says: "Get it in the driveway - and then i'll answer!"
And so I walk away - once again feeling Mind isn't really going to be satisfied anytime soon.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Meditating in the Rain

I am part of a meditation group that meets on Sundays to meditate in the open. We meditate under a large tree near the entrance of the beautiful Maymont Park in Richmond, Virginia.
Meditating here is a delight, and a chance to commune with nature. This well landscaped park is far from the sounds of the modern world, and immersed in nature. Maymont is picturesque: covered in large trees, shrubs and wild flowers, it even has its own waterfall. As we explore ourselves in meditation, nature explores us too. Curious birds come up close or whizz past. The sun shines down through the leaves. And insects attempt to get food by biting us (too bad there's insect repellant!). And then there's the ever present orchestra of leaves rustling in the wind, birds chirping, and the occasional child's laughter in the distance.Its no wonder that we have interesting experiences in meditation here.
But today was different still. As we settled into meditation, rain clouds came in. About 20 minutes into the meditation, the sun was gone, and it started to rain.
Weather.com had warned us, and we had come prepared with umbrellas. But in our meditation, nobody felt the urge to hold up an umbrella. As the rain drops fell on us, we continued to meditate. Today, the rain was just another element of nature to us. The light touch of rain was an object of meditation today, and not a distraction. And meditating with the rain was a joy today! So all of us sat there, not resisting - instead, watching.
At the end of our 40 minute meditation the rain passed. Lightly wet - we discussed our experience in today's meditation. And once again, as we spoke, the rain fell on us. But this time too nobody bolted for cover.
The rain was just accepted. A part of nature, and a part of life. Something in our meditation had opened us to the possibility of exposing ourselves to this element of nature we would typically avoid. Today, it seemed, we had communed some more with nature, and as a result, felt some more peace.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Adios Addictions
I'm an addict.
This realization dawned, when I found myself ready to sleep anytime, and wishing for sleep.

Googling 'sleep addiction', I confirmed my fears.
Trying to be more cognizant of my addictions, I decided to watch myself. Lo and behold - I soon found several addictions I was unaware of!
While it wasn't alcohol, I found I'm also addicted to surfing the internet, and TV. These addictions, eat away my time and keep me from being productive.
Being in my twenties, these keep me from being productive, or spending time in activities I want to do. Not the nicest situation.
Since I'd rather do something about this, I have decided to go for my own deaddiction regimen.
1. No sleep anytime except night, and only 8 hours of sleep at that.
2. No wandering aimlessly on the internet - get on, do my work and log off.
3. Stay completely celibate.
All three need willpower to keep off, and I'd try to fill in with something productive I can get done - so I don't fall into a new addiction (computer games did start creeping up).
My mind protests to no end for these stimulants - but when the wave passes, I sense a peace.
I plan to keep this up for some time. I don't have a deadline in mind. Let's see where this leads, how I feel.
This realization dawned, when I found myself ready to sleep anytime, and wishing for sleep.
Googling 'sleep addiction', I confirmed my fears.
Trying to be more cognizant of my addictions, I decided to watch myself. Lo and behold - I soon found several addictions I was unaware of!
While it wasn't alcohol, I found I'm also addicted to surfing the internet, and TV. These addictions, eat away my time and keep me from being productive.
Being in my twenties, these keep me from being productive, or spending time in activities I want to do. Not the nicest situation.
Since I'd rather do something about this, I have decided to go for my own deaddiction regimen.
1. No sleep anytime except night, and only 8 hours of sleep at that.
2. No wandering aimlessly on the internet - get on, do my work and log off.
3. Stay completely celibate.
All three need willpower to keep off, and I'd try to fill in with something productive I can get done - so I don't fall into a new addiction (computer games did start creeping up).
My mind protests to no end for these stimulants - but when the wave passes, I sense a peace.
I plan to keep this up for some time. I don't have a deadline in mind. Let's see where this leads, how I feel.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Rising early

Steve Pavlina talks of his struggle to wake early.
Mine has been one of reducing my sleep. I used to follow the school of thought, that the body asks for the sleep it needs. I also had a partner who wouldn't let me sleep at all.
Both extremes, I have found, are hurtful.
I have decided to give a shot to Steve Pavlina's recommendation: Sleep when sleepy, but awake at a fixed time.
Let's see how this goes.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My Experiments with Truth
While I continue to experiment with truth, this I can say:
The way of truth needs you to be fearless.
Also, patient and tolerant.
In return, truth makes you fearless and makes your life effortless.
With truth on your side,
you need fear noone,
and truth does not let you down.
Truth is a great ally.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Light at the end of the tunnel
When going through the tunnel, it's dark. But the tunnel does end, and there's light at the end of the tunnel. And it makes the journey worth the while.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Courts
The courts run by humans are based largely on perception and actions.
The courts run by the gods are based on volition and intent.
The courts run by humans require you to defend yourself and prove your worthiness.
The courts run by the gods are aware of your worthiness and require no defense.
The courts run by humans give judgements that may be mistaken or overturned.
The courts run by the gods are free of mistakes, don't care what the human courts have to say, and are just.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
On being Mean
Most people don't really enjoy being mean; they do it because they can't help it. - Paul Graham
Saturday, March 7, 2009
How do you love someone who has hurt you?
In each of our lives, there have been people who have hurt us deeply. Ironically, it is the ones we bring closest to us who hurt us most. It is not so much because we choose wrongly, but that by bringing them close and opening a vulnerable part of us, we give them the ability to hurt us deeply.
Does this mean we should protect ourselves and keep people from coming close to our heart? If one did that, one will lose the aspect of love that makes us human and life worth living.
Instead, if someone hurts you, to whatever extent, try to love them still! If you cannot love the person they are now, then love them as they were before. Always remember people by the best aspects of your relationship, and not the worst. The chronological sequence of the person does not matter.
Does this mean we should protect ourselves and keep people from coming close to our heart? If one did that, one will lose the aspect of love that makes us human and life worth living.
Instead, if someone hurts you, to whatever extent, try to love them still! If you cannot love the person they are now, then love them as they were before. Always remember people by the best aspects of your relationship, and not the worst. The chronological sequence of the person does not matter.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Man's Search for Meaning..
How were the lives of SS men in Auschwitz during the holocaust?
Though it may surprise some, it doesn't surprise me that these SS officials are normal looking humans, living a normal human life outside of the concentration camps.
This goes to join in with Dr. Stanley Milgram's experiment, that concluded that 70% of ordinary people could become agents of significant torture if instructed by an authority.
It's no wonder, that anyone going through a divorce would think that the once loving/caring partner, has suddenly changed into one without any conscience. And the victim might start thinking of how he misjudged, or how the person could change so much.
This may actually just be a result of the conditioning, that the 'system' requires this behaviour, and may not reflect on the personality of the individual.
Though it may surprise some, it doesn't surprise me that these SS officials are normal looking humans, living a normal human life outside of the concentration camps.
This goes to join in with Dr. Stanley Milgram's experiment, that concluded that 70% of ordinary people could become agents of significant torture if instructed by an authority.
It's no wonder, that anyone going through a divorce would think that the once loving/caring partner, has suddenly changed into one without any conscience. And the victim might start thinking of how he misjudged, or how the person could change so much.
This may actually just be a result of the conditioning, that the 'system' requires this behaviour, and may not reflect on the personality of the individual.
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